Thursday 7 August 2008

How can you help?

This is a question I often get, and so think it's best to have somewhere on my site an area set up to answer this question properly. Essentially I seek to raise prayer supporters first and foremost, as this is the power behind everything we do. Our God is faithful and during my time either training or serving, He has touched a number of peoples hearts who wish to support in a practical way i.e. financially. I can truly say that God is good and has supplied my every need at just the right moment.

Now as I plan to serve abroad on a more permanent basis, it is becoming increasing important for me to channel all funds through Wycliffe and their finance system. This has some distinct advantages, such as:
  • increasing the gift by 28%! (if you are a UK tax payer and have signed a Gift Aid form)
  • making your gift easily available wherever I am - any Wycliffe branch can transfer between each other
  • allowing me to see who has given and be able to thank you personally - banks often just show me a number and not the name of who has given

So if God has put it on your heart to support and you have obviously prayed about it, then here are some links to help you.

Prayer support:

  • Visit my website - prayer support section
  • Are you receiving my news letters? If not, email me and ask to be added to the list
  • Attending a prayer meeting? Consider emailing me or call me beforehand and ask for specific prayer points (often i can go into more detail this way, rather than a public posting on the web)

Financial support:

There are a few methods you can choose from depending on where you are from and how you feel comfortable partnering. A general rule however, it to ensure that any gifts that are sent via Wycliffe include the following information (gift directed to 'Nevin Urey - Wycliffe UK - 210852')

Within the UK:

1. Send a cheque

- make payable to 'Wycliffe Bible Translators'

- write on the back, for 'Nevin Urey - Wycliffe UK - 210852'.

- send to the following address:

Wycliffe UK
The Wycliffe Centre
Horsleys Green
High Wycombe
HP14 3XL

2. Or you can setup a standing order. It is easy to setup and change at a later stage. Simply open and print the forms below, then send to Wycliffe (address on form).

- Support form

- Gift Aid (increase your gift by 28% for free!)

If you need any help or wish to discuss options further then please contact either myself, or the Wycliffe response centre (01494 682 268). The response centre can also help by posting the standing order forms above. Again, please ensure that you state your gift is to be directed to 'Nevin Urey - Wycliffe UK - 210852'.

Outside the UK:

  1. Check the web for a Wycliffe branch in your country (some of the more common sites are below). Most Wycliffe sites will have a giving section on their site with instructions on how to help. As long as you include my details ('Nevin Urey - Wycliffe UK - 210852') then your gift will be transferred to wherever I am serving.
  2. If there is no Wycliffe branch in your area, then please email me directly so I can help

Some useful Wycliffe websites:

Wycliffe USA

Wycliffe Australia

Wycliffe Canada

There are many other Wycliffe branches, so if your country is not here then look here on the Wycliffe International website.


Paul Morriss said...

You can get a list of Wycliffe offices on the site.

Nevster said...

Nice one Paul, I'll add that to the posting. Thanks!