Friday 1 August 2008

A visit to MAF England

Well this week has been a bit of a challenge. It began with heading down to the Mission Aviation Fellowship (MAF) Operations office in the south of England. I arrived on the Monday to be rested up for the start of a day of exams on the Tuesday. The computer based exams took just under 6 hours and were immediately followed by an interview with an aviation psychologist. It was a very long day. Most of the tests were OK and i think some parts even pretty good. But the only way to describe some would be brutal. It will be 1-2 weeks before i hear back so please continue to remember this in your prayers.

The next day was then another psychological test, this time up in London. I felt this went much better, especially as it wasn't preceded by a day of testing. I hope to hear quite soon the outcome.

Then on Thursday, it was a day of interviews. 3 in total and I have to say i actually really enjoyed the process. The interviews were quite different to anything i had done before and focused more in on the type of person you are rather than the normal achievement/experience style. Again I hope to hear quite soon about this.

And now .. I am still in England, just outside London, at the Wycliffe main HQ. I've managed to avoid a lot of training courses over the years but now I've finally been cornered and playing catch-up ;-) It's actually a lot of fun and it is great meeting lots of new people and gaining information that will be really useful for me in the future. I'll be here until mid next week before I can make good my escape and head for home.

Thanks to all who have been praying for me through this week of tests. I'll let you know the results as they start to come in.

1 comment:

Wendy said...

So excited for you! I imagine you didn't sweat a thing and just want all of this to sound good ;)
We will keep praying for you! Can't wait to see what God has in store for the Irishman!